Zane Bojare, Head of Marketing for Startup Wise Guys accelerator on the small but might Baltic startup scene in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, home of 6 unicorns

A region with 6 million people, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania is home to 2,577 startups including 6 unicorns - Skype, TransferWise, Bolt, Vinted, Pipedrive, and Playtech. I sat down with Zane Bojare, Head of Marketing at Startup Wise Guys to find out more about what makes this region so good at entrepreneurship, what are the trends and niches she sees and what are the differences if any between Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. If you are looking at applying to accelerators in this region or looking to invest in your next startup from here, this is a good episode to get an overview of the region’s startup ecosystem.
[1:18] - Overview of the Baltic startup scene
[10:14] - What are some of the interesting findings and highlights from the Baltic startup report that surprised you?
[14:18] - Given much of the funding for the Baltics startups came from UK or US, what does that say about the Baltics funding scene?
[16:21] - What are some of the trends or niches you see across the 3 countries?
[21:17] - Diversity and inclusion. What is the scene like for women founders and what is holding them back still? Is it similar to the rest of Europe?
[29:55] - How do you apply to the Startup Wise Guys Accelerator and what do you look for?

Links shared:
2020 Baltics Report: 2020 Baltics Startup Report
Startup Wise Guys website: Startup Wise Guys Accelerator
Upcoming event: Latitude 59

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